We have opportunities for everyone

Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Volunteers bring a special skills and resources to our activities and are an essential part of our operations. We could not do what we do without you! Below is a list of opportunities available. Read them over to find out which might interest you.

The EFW is looking for new board members (directors) to manage its affairs and finances. Members serve for a 3-year term. Please contact a current board member for a nomination form.

The EFW has a committee position for you! Please contact a current board member if you’d like to help with event planning, marketing communications, fund raising, bookkeeping and budget management.

The Black & White Gala is our biggest fund raiser and we have several opportunities to get involved. You are welcome to join the Acquisitions (donation item procurement) Team, the Decorations and Environment Committee or the Marketing Team.

If your time is limited, but you’d still like to help, then join us on the day of either of our events or during Trunk-or-Treat, the July 4th parade or TosaFest. Volunteers are needed the days prior for set-up, the night of the event, and the days after for clean-up, etc. You will be contacted for your availability. We even have tasks that can be done from home.