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We can’t wait to see you at the 2024 Black & White Gala, our largest fundraising event of the year! On May 11, 2024 plan to get dressed up, celebrate our schools, and raise funds to support grants.

  • Open to all who support Tosa schools! Grab your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and snag a table (10 people per table). Or, enjoy a date night out.
  • Cocktail attire is suggested. Dress up in your favorite black and/or white outfit. If you’re not a fan of neutrals,  dress up (or accessorize) in your favorite school colors.
  • Enjoy a seated dinner, a cash bar, music, and dancing at the event.
  • Plan to support our schools by bidding on silent and live auction items, wine pull, and more. If you can’t attend, please consider donating!

Watch the video to learn more about how your donations fund grants and impact classrooms.


Interested in sponsoring this event?


Donate to the Black & White Gala

We’re always looking for auction items

The EFW invites students, parents, alumni, friends, businesses and corporations to support the Black & White Gala by donating goods or services to be offered in our silent or voice auctions. The success of this event depends upon the creative and interesting items we receive. Join us by donating an item, experience or gift certificate.

Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

  • airline tickets
  • exclusive gift baskets
  • jewelry
  • vacation homes
  • sporting/event tickets
  • restaurant packages
  • special services
To donate an item, please complete and submit an auction Donor Form.


One way for you to be a part of the Black & White Gala is to contribute to a group donation in the name of your school PTA/PTO. School PTA/PTO leaders are coordinating their efforts to make a contribution to the auction. It’s an easy way to make a donation and make a generous impact.

Participation and the amount of your donation are, of course, optional and completely up to you. Your gift is greatly appreciated and is a way you can support your student’s education.


2023 Event Photos

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