DEADLINE: 4 p.m. January 3, 2025

To the Grant Writer: Please read the following so you are clear about the importance of the review of the administrators of the Wauwatosa School District. Your grant request will be evaluated using a rubric, which is available on the main grants page of this site, to ensure that it conforms to the standards and benchmarks of the Wauwatosa School District. If this grant also pertains to technology and the purchase of hardware or software, it will also be evaluated to ensure that it is compatible with the current technological capabilities of the district.

Any of the following signatures are acceptable:

  • Signature of the Teaching and Learning Director of Curriculum & Instruction
  • Signature of the Teaching and Learning Director of Student Services
  • Signature of one of the following supervisors: Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Inclusion and Student Services, Special Education and Compliance.
  • And if applicable, Signature of the District Technology Coordinator
Please note any comments that you have about this grant with the understanding that these comments will be shared with the EFW Board prior to the grant process. The EFW will have the final approval for all grants.

To the administrator reading this grant:
  • The grant writer will not be allowed to make revisions to his/her application after the grant deadline.
  • You are NOT assessing this grant in regard to innovation, enrichment or impact on students.
  • Your signature is acknowledgement you have read the grant application.

Executive Summary

Applicant Information and Signatures

Primary Grant Applicant (choose one)
Teacher Sponsor (if needed)
Involved Principals
Involved Library and/or Technology Directors (if needed)
Building & Grounds (if needed)
Principals and Directors: Thank you for participating in the EFW grant process. Your signature indicates your acknowledgement that this project will meet the appropriate grade level content standards and benchmarks of the Wauwatosa School District and you agree the quality of this grant reflects your school writing standards.

Tell Us About Your Grant

  • Project Description - Explain the proposed project including educational goals and learning objectives.
  • Initiative - Explain why this grant will bring something innovative, or new, into the classroom setting.
  • Enrichment - How will the project fill a gap or need in student learning that currently exists?

  • Instructional Procedures - State specific instructional procedures you will use to implement your grant. Share a sample lesson plan or a project that demonstrates how you will use the items you will purchase.
  • Assessment - Explain how you will quantitatively assess the learning objectives for this project.
  • Potential Impact- Explain the scope of your project. How many students will be influenced by this grant? Will the grant impact students with multiple learning styles? Will it add equity to the classroom and/or foster an inclusive community?
  • Timeline and Items Requested - List each item and the amount of each item that you will purchase. Use the lowest available prices. Include the names of the vendors you plan to use. Be as specific as possible. Include a detailed timeline for implementation of the project.
    The EFW keeps track of how the grant money is used and how many students benefit from each grant that is awarded. Therefore, in agreement with your acceptance of grant money, your signature indicates that you are agreeing to write a report and provide pictures.) Failure to send this required information to the EFW may impact any consideration an individual staff member will receive for a future grant.
    Before submitting this grant application, check it to be sure that you have not included your name(s) anywhere within. Revisions to this application after the grant deadline are prohibited.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.